lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Actividad scratch

Estoy aprendiendo con el curso "De espectador a programador" a manejar la aplicación Scratch.
En concreto en una de las actividades se nos pide que hagamos una historia colaborativa en dos pasos:

- Crear una actividad con un final abierto para que algún otro compoñero la continúe y 
- Finalizar otra previamente comenzada por un compañero

Me ha resultado relativamente fácil hacer la parte creativa, pero la parte de programación con scratch es un poco más complicada... sobre todo cuando intentas interactuar con el usuario.

Me he divertido, sobre todo, al resolver las complicaciones que me he encontrado!
Es todo un reto!!

Clica en los dibujos para ver los cada proyecto:

Clasificación de los animales        

Paseo por la naturaleza

miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Unha aperta a Carnota

Paula, Rosalía e Xabi
están moi agradecidos polas vosas fotos.
Un placer tervos dado clase!!!
Verémonos pronto!!

P.D.¨Que non che conten as cousas, víveas ti, viaxa, axuda @s amig@s para....
Pensar por ti mesm@" ;)

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Leonardo da Vinci Presentations

Hi, my friends!
If you are as impressed as I am by Leonardo da Vinci´s creativity...
I hope you also become Renaissance members!!

Here are your amazing presentations and...

Mario showing his mockup
of the aerial screw!!

Thank you for this wonderful years....
See you soon!! :)

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Little teachers 3.0

Here are our friends showing their skills...
at English and Sciences!!

Angela, Noa and Mary enlighten us with their knowledge. ;)
Great job, girls!!

Here are Benito, Hatim and Aarón showing us different landscapes.
Great job, boys!!

Here are Michael, Hugo and Amine 
showing us that animals.... rock!!
Great jobs, my friends!!

Here are Naroa, Carla and Kiara showing their commitment to..
the Earth´s rotation and... REVOLUTION!! ;)
Brilliant, my friends!! 

Here Oliva and Arón go with the flow...
talking about the Water on the Earth!
Great, my friends!!

Here are Carlos, Gabriel and Robert
explaining different parts of our Locomotor System
Great job, my friends!

Here are Mara, Diana and Irene
showing us the colourful world of...
Fantastic, my friends!

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Little teachers 5.0

Here are the 5th graders showing their passion towards Science
Great job, my friends. I´m very proud!!

Here are Ramón, Fran and Adri talking about vertebrates.

Aroa and Alba sharing their knowledge abouth invertebrates

Camille, Aynara and Luci talking about Planet Earth

Paul and Mark introduce you the topic Living Things

Aleixo and Lucas show you the way from the Earth... to the Universe!

Paula, Mary T., Mary S and Antía get their bearings through the landscapes in Spain

Renewable energy sources.

Here are the 4th graders showing their best solution to solve both problems:
- Lack of job in our area
- Have cheap renewable energy 

Great job, my friends!!!

Solar Energy by Mario, Johnny, Maia and Claudia

Tidal energy by Martín, Chema, Mariña and Sophie.

Hydroenergy by Moon, Raúl, Saray and Sara.

Hydroenergy by Javi, Lois, Rober and Rubén.

Tidal energy by Andrea, Paula, Saúl and Nardo

Geothermal energy by Xoel, Agustín, Eva and Dani